Acerca de
101: The Report of Survey - A Narrative Approach
102: Deed and Plan Research – When is Enough Enough?
103: Documentation of Boundary Evidence
104: Art of Boundary Line Determination
106: Legal Description v. Boundary Description; Why Attorneys Should Not Prepare Boundary Descriptions!
404: FEMA Elevation Certificates
405: Floodplain Analysis to Establish Base Flood Elevation (BFE) for a Zone A Stream
503: Presidential Surveyors: The Surveying Work of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln
504: Monumental Surveyors: Surveying for Monumental Carvings at Stone Mountain, Mount Rushmore, & Crazy Horse
506: Riparian Boundaries
601: Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist Registration Law
705: Ouch! Basic First Aid and Trauma Care for the Land Surveyor
707: Pennsylvania Gun Laws
804: CURSES?! #%&; No. Cursive.
​808 & 809: GIS for Surveyors (Parts 1 & 2)