National Society of Professional Surveyors
PSLS Director to NSPS: Michael Given, PLS
Contact Mike for any questions you may have about NSPS, how PSLS is affiliated, or how NSPS Membership benefits you.
NSPS Public Relations
The NSPS Public Relations Committee has released New Brochures.
100% State Affiliate Membership Program
What is the 100% State Affiliate Membership Program?
In spring of 2012, the NSPS Board of Directors passed a motion to pursue obtaining 100 percent membership from state affiliates, such as Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyors (PSLS).
PSLS signed an agreement called a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with NSPS in March 2013 after the PSLS Board of Directors approved the affiliation. Note: Participation covers members according to the state in which they reside.
Benefits and National Programs
NSPS Benefits of Membership
CST Program
Hydrographic Certification Program
NSPS Insurance Program
What are the Dues?
Dues for state affiliates are $40 annually (non-affiliates are $225) -this is in addition to regular state society dues. To ease into the transition and make it more affordable, the board established a fee structure. Student dues are $10 annually.
For more information about NSPS go to http://www.nsps.us.com/ or contact NSPS Director of Pennsylvania, Michael Given, PLS at mike.given@williams.com.

American Associations of Geodetic Surveying
The American Association for Geodetic Surveying (AAGS) aims to lead the community of geodetic, surveying, and land information data users through the 21st century. This will require AAGS to develop new educational programs, including presentations, seminars, and workshops on topics related to geodetic surveying; and articles and papers that inform the membership of the latest scientific and technological developments and how to implement them in the most cost-effective and efficient manner.
On November 30, 2016, the Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyors became an affiliate member of the American Association for Geodetic Surveying (AAGS). Affiliating with AAGS costs our state society nothing and provides our members with additional benefits if they wish to become AAGS regular or affiliate members. Currently, the Alaska Section of the ACSM, Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, and Montana have affiliated with AAGS. More state societies will hopefully become affiliates of AAGS following their upcoming board meetings. Listed below are some of the reasons why you might wish to become affiliate members of AAGS.
The AAGS vision is to lead the community of geodetic surveying, surveying, and land information data- users through the 21st century. In this vein, AAGS is working to develop educational programs through presentations, seminars, workshops, and on-line videos related to the topics of geodetic surveying. In the near future, AAGS will be providing a Geodetic Certification program, which will be available on-line. All PSLS members who become affiliate members of AAGS will get webinars and Geodetic Certification materials at regular AAGS member prices. We can also join AAGS as Regular members and will get Surveying and Land Information Science, which is the only journal that routinely accepts – or even accepts at all – papers on boundary issues and is the profession’s only refereed journal. SaLIS has published four boundary-related papers in its last five publications. As GNSS, laser scanning, and other new technologies come into common use, AAGS will be at the forefront in developing the necessary education for proper use of these technologies. It will also provide the necessary education to understand the impact of the different realizations of NAD 83 and the upcoming three-dimensional datum being developed by the National Geodetic Survey.
Affiliate Membership
Any person who is a member of an organization that has entered into an affiliation agreement with AAGS, such as the PSLS has, is eligible to become an Affiliate Member of AAGS. An affiliate member will get webinars and Geodetic Certification materials at regular AAGS member prices. The current cost of joining AAGS as a full or affiliate member can be at https://www.aagsmo.org/membership-purchasing-renewal/.